Starting a Law Firm Update, Various Odds & Ends

I apologize for not posting for a while.  Still here, just a little busy.  Blogging for legal business can be a real task master.  Think twice before getting into this whole blogging game.  You had better like to write.

So, my wife and I took an overdue trip to Paris and Luxembourg a couple weeks ago.  We skipped a real honeymoon because I didn’t want to make the partners at my old law firm upset that I was taking vacation during my first year as an associate.  Now that I’m no longer at the firm, I guess I can take vacation.  I’ll say this:  I’ve gained a little perspective about what I want out of life since my first year of marriage and my first year as an associate attorney.  Marriage is much more important.  Is it any wonder that I am starting a law firm?

Anyway, I’m back and still trying to blog.  As I’ve posted, I’m still working on getting licensed in Minnesota.  This obviously creates a dilemma as far as writing many practice-related blog posts.  To be honest, I feel a little out of the game.  I am not hustling like I used to and I miss it.  But, there are many, many things to get done before officially hanging out my own shingle.  I’ll talk about that stuff instead.

In the main, I am concerned with two main things:  (1) office space and (2) my website.  Both of these things relate to my effort to focus a bit more and get my law firm start-up business plan in better shape.   I am going through my old business plan and re-thinking things now that I have relocated to Minneapolis from Indiana.  I have had an opportunity to scope out the market and competition a little better.  Naturally, that changes the plan a little.

I’ll post more on this stuff tomorrow, but I wanted to get a post out to say sorry and I’ll try and to better.   In the meantime, I’d appreciate any comments on my new website:

I’m still working on the website and I know that the picture of me is terrible.  I’ll get one up just as soon as somebody takes a professional looking picture of me that I like.  Also, if anybody goes to my website, would you mind leaving a comment here on exactly how long it took you to get there?  As in:  how long did it take to load?
